Write a proposal in which you recommend an initiative that is either pending or


Write a proposal in which you recommend an initiative that is either pending or

Write a proposal in which you recommend an initiative that is either pending or under serious consideration as the best solution to the problem you have identified. Alternatively, you may propose measures that would significantly enhance, alter, or expand the effectiveness of a current policy. Your essay should build upon (and use excerpts from) your topic proposal discussing the solutions others have proposed, and it should present several voices as part of your argument for your own perspective. Select an appropriate audience for your proposal—a relevant government agency, a business association, an education association, a local community, or other group with a stake in the solution to this problem. Begin your essay by defining/framing the problem that has developed, then make a claim proposing the best policy to solve it. Your primary objective is to identify what you believe to be the best policy under consideration today to solve the defined problem and then present an argument about why this policy is the best solution.


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