Week 3. (This is a Cybersecurity Class. The name of the Class is Issues in Secu


Week 3.
(This is a Cybersecurity Class. The name of the Class is Issues in Secu

Week 3.
(This is a Cybersecurity Class. The name of the Class is Issues in Security, Privacy, and Anonymity)
People join online social networking sites for a variety of professional and personal reasons. Statistics show that nowadays about seven in ten American adults (69%) use some kind of social media platform. At the same time people worry about privacy along with the security of their personal information. Privacy seems a concept of paradox when it comes to the use of OSN sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, etc.
What is your opinion on privacy and online social media? What are the pros and cons? Name two privacy threats to maintaining an OSN presence. And how to better protect your data on OSNs? Be sure to discuss the issue in Christian worldview.


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