Watch (Casablanca) movie to make a PowerPoint Presentation of 20 slides at least


Watch (Casablanca) movie to make a PowerPoint Presentation of 20 slides at least

Watch (Casablanca) movie to make a PowerPoint Presentation of 20 slides at least for Hollywood assignment.
Watch (Casablanca) film to make a PowerPoint Presentation of 20 slides at least for Hollywood assignment. You will have 10 minutes to convey your understanding of the course content.
The Course Content:
 Sustainability and Stakeholder Theory
 Corporate Governance
 Strategy and Structure
 Organization Culture
 Change
**********DO NOT recite the movie plot or give a scene-by-scene description. Instead explain how our course subject is present in the film or the message(s) the film conveys regarding humanity, integrity, and the presence of remarkable human will. You may talk about one or several characters and / or scenes. You will not have time to discuss the whole movie. You have 10 minutes to present. Don’t go over and don’t come in short, as this will hurt your performance. Focus on connecting the character(s) / scene(s) to management. The film is a means for you to identify and explain your understanding of course topics present in the film.
Use the note part in the presentation for more details and info.
include your references.


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