View the movie Wit. It is a 2001 HBO movie starring Emma Thompson. If you have t


View the movie Wit. It is a 2001 HBO movie starring Emma Thompson. If you have t

View the movie Wit. It is a 2001 HBO movie starring Emma Thompson. If you have technical issues opening the Movie, there are troubleshooting items listed below and on the announcement page.
You can access the entire movie within the course.
In the left navigation column, click on Wit. The movie is there.
Click on the black screen and it should come up.
There are easy ways to make it full screen, and to pause it and come back later.
You may want to view it entirely once and then again in segments to complete the assignment. Or you may want to review the instructions for this assignment, and take notes while viewing the movie. The choice is yours.
Likewise read this review of the movie which provides some interesting insights into care and caring, for example, the difference between the Golden Rule and Platinum Rule
Part II: Analyze How Caring is Practiced
This is an APA formatted paper of 2-3 pages. Do not go over 3 pages (excluding title page and reference page). There is no title placed on the first page of the body of the paper. Use only level one headings and no abstract. Level one headings are in bold font, centered and contain 2-3 words.
Please refer to Owl at Purdue for citing the movie Reference List: Audiovisual Media // Purdue Writing Lab
First 1-2 paragraphs. Identify 2 examples of uncaring from the movie WIT. Choose ONE of the 2 and briefly describe how/why the example is uncaring. For that one example, briefly describe the outcome and/or response of the person “receiving” the uncaring exchange. (Don’t just say “she looked sad”, or something like that. Instead describe it more fully in terms of whether there was an impact on healing, or curing, or alleviation of suffering, or whatever. In other words, integrate content from the course, previous courses, or other resources.) Then, for that one example, identify and briefly explain which of Hallsdorsdottir’s 5 Modes of Caring Encounters fits the uncaring example. (Cite and Reference)
Next, from the assigned movie, and in 1 paragraph, identify two examples of caring. Choose one of the examples and using the antecedents to caring which are present. briefly describe how/why the example is caring. Briefly describe the outcome and/or response of the person “receiving” the caring exchange. (Don’t just say “she looked calm”, or something like that. Instead describe it more fully in terms of whether there was healing, or curing, or alleviation of suffering, or whatever. In other words, integrate content from the course, previous courses, or other resources.) For that one example, Identify and briefly explain which of Hallsdorsdottir’s 5 Modes of Caring fits the caring example. (Cite and Reference)
Next, in a new paragraph, briefly describe or comment on whether caring can be taught/learned through practices/assignments like this one, or through other methods. (Cite and Reference)
Conclusion. (This is your wrap up of what was previously discussed and as such no new or cited literature would be in this area)
You are required to have at least one reference from the Weekly Learning Resources and at least one outside, peer-reviewed scholarly source, < 3 yr old that supports your content. Parts I & II of this assignment are worth 50 points total and will be graded using the Rubric associated with this type of assignment found here: UIC NURS 332 updated week 5 written assignment rubric.docx


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