View a fiction film that has a political focus. A documentary film may also be v


View a fiction film that has a political focus. A documentary film may also be v

View a fiction film that has a political focus. A documentary film may also be viewed, as an alternative. The film may be viewed on television, or computer.(The film may focus on American historical, or current national, state, or local government issues. It may also cover international relations issues, as long as it also has application in the U.S. Write a two page summary. (double space)
2.Complete an internet research of a political issue related to American national,California state or local government. Write a two page summary. (double spaced)
3.Read fifty pages of a fiction, or nonfiction book related to American Government.(contemporary, or historical) Write a two page summary. (double spaced)
4. Complete an art project with an American national, state or local government theme. The project may be a sketch, or other related art form.
5. Write a 3-4 page essay discussing a topic related to American national government, California state, or local government. The essay should include a topic sentence. (double spaced)
6. Student may research the requirements for admission to a graduate degree program that could be considered for a job in U.S. Federal, State or Local Government, such as a master’s degree in Public Policy and Administration, a law degree, or other graduate degree. A Ca. teaching credential program may also be researched. Some graduate degrees may be applied to either public or private sector employment, such as in the medical or business fields.) Write a 2 page paper related to the degree. (double spaced)
7. Students may suggest a related alternative assignment, which requires approval
of the instructor.


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