To receive full credit on this discussion, students must both post their own com


To receive full credit on this discussion, students must both post their own com

To receive full credit on this discussion, students must both post their own comment and comment on at least one other student’s post. NO USE OF AI, ONLY HUMAN TEXT
Do you think anything could be done to lower recidivism rates among offenders? If so, what?
Please respond in only two paragraphs.
If you use any sources, must include them. I think the teacher is asking more on opinon, so any soruces would be good to back your opinion.
After I recieve the submission , I will give you a classmates post to reply to to
Please be sure to stay on topic and limit your discussion to only the questions posed. Please respect your classmates in the discussion boards, and use only appropriate language, as you would in a professional, business environment. I look forward to reading your posts!


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