Title: The title of the manuscriipt should be concise, specific and relevant. T


Title: The title of the manuscriipt should be concise, specific and relevant. T

Title: The title of the manuscriipt should be concise, specific and relevant. Title should be (Times New Roman-14 point-Bold-Centered).
Author Details: All authors should be listed in the manuscriipt with affiliation details. One author should be designated as corresponding author. (Author Name: Times New Roman-12 point-Bold-Centered, Affiliation & Email: Times New Roman-12 point-Bold-Centered).
Abstract: A qualitative abstract having the key components of the manuscriipt should be summarize withing 200-300 words followed by suitable keywords. (Abstract & keywords: Times New Roman-10 point-Justify).
Main Text should have following headings:
Results & Discussion
Conflict of Interest : Authors should declare whether or not the submitted manuscriipt was carried out with a conflict of interest. If yes, please state any personal, professional or financial relationships that could potentially be construed as a conflict of interest. If no, please add “The authors declare no conflict of interest”. (Times New Roman-10 point-Justify).
Author Contributions: Each author’s contribution in the manuscriipt should be highlighted in this section. (Times New Roman-10 point-Justify).
Acknowledgements : Acknowledge the funding agency. (Times New Roman-10 point-Justify).
References : All references must be in APA style and they should be cited at appropriate places within the manuscriipt.
All main heading should be Times New Roman-12 point-Justify.
All subheading should be Times New Roman-11 point-Justify.
Main text of the article should be written in Times New Roman-11 point-Justify.
Mathematical Equations should be written using MS word equation editor with 11 point.
All figures and tables must be cited at appropriate places in manuscriipt. Figure & Table caption: Times New Roman-10 point-Centered.
Plagiarism less than 25% OK


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