This course, ACCT 301 (Cost Accounting), was selected as a socially responsible


This course, ACCT 301 (Cost Accounting), was selected as a socially responsible

This course, ACCT 301 (Cost Accounting), was selected as a socially responsible course last year as part of the university’s social responsibility initiatives. This implies that this semester also, the third activity of this course should be a presentation that demonstrates some aspect of social responsibility,
What to Do?
Step 1) Prepare Power Points Presentation on any topic of your Course Cost Accounting demonstration that how this is helping in achieving the social responsibility.
Step 2) Submit Your Presentation File to the Blackboard with the Cover Page Metioning the Following Details:
Student’s Name
Student’s ID
Course Code – ACCT 301
Course CRN
Name of the Course – Cost Accounting
Name of the Instructor – Dr. Shahid Husain
Semester and Academic Year – Semester 2 – 2023-24
Marks Obtained –
Maximum Marks – 10
Step 3) Presentation of the Topic Prepared in the Class as per the following schedule :
Date – 29-4-2024
Day – Monday
Time – 9:00 – 9:50 PM
1. Title
2. Introduction on on the topic chosen from cost accounting providing socisl responsibility.
3. Define important key words.
4. Methodology used (Questionnaire or empirical study)
5. Interpretations on the method used
6. Discussion on how it effects social responsibility
7. Conclusion
8. References used


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