There are 2 questions in this forum. Please number your responses for each quest


There are 2 questions in this forum. Please number your responses for each quest

There are 2 questions in this forum. Please number your responses for each question.
1. What role has nursing theory played in research, in knowledge development, and in your practice?
2. Find an article from the literature related cultural diversity in nursing. How can cultural diversity theories be used nursing practice?
* Please mention the types of nursing theories e.g Environmental Theories (Florence Nightingale)
For each discussion forum your initial post should be substantial and complete. A “substantial and complete” initial post is one that includes a synthesis of evidence from the literature and contains a real world example. It is a post that is at least 250 words in length, and includes 3 literature references, which are provided at the end of the posting, in which citations are provided in APA 6th edition format. This initial post should be made by the Wednesday of the week (by 11:59pm PT).


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