Theme Discussion Use the format provided below to write your paragraph on the mo


Theme Discussion
Use the format provided below to write your paragraph on the mo

Theme Discussion
Use the format provided below to write your paragraph on the most memorable theme and share it in this discussion forum. Make sure that you write a clear theme statement. It should be a complete sentence, reveal a lesson learned about human nature, and be relatable to all humans.
If you forgot how to find a theme, please review this video:
All students will share and have the opportunity to learn from each other. As part of this reflective, shared learning, your teacher will guide the discussion pulling out overall insights, feedback, and drafts. Everyone is expected to be positive and respectful, with comments that help all learners write effectively. You are required to provide positive feedback on two of your classmates’ written responses. You might state that you agreed with the evidence for the theme, or that the theme chosen was supported clearly. Please follow the rubric in the Rubric tab on the right side of the screen above.
Topic Sentence: The most memorable theme from Romeo and Juliet was ….
Concrete Detail: This is shown when…
Concrete Detail: Another example is…
Commentary: It’s relatable to all people because…
Concluding Sentence: As you can see…


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