The textbook that this is to be referenced from is Drug Use and Abuse: A Compreh


The textbook that this is to be referenced from is Drug Use and Abuse: A Compreh

The textbook that this is to be referenced from is Drug Use and Abuse: A Comprehensive Introduction 9th edition. There is a free online version that can be found here:
if this does not work for you, I can send the login information for my copy of the virtual text.
The vignette follows a woman from childhood to an older age. This case study encompasses all of the material from this text including the prevalent policy view in the United States. The second article describes the history of the Chemical Dependency Act as it is known in the state of New York. This act would have been written during the time that the individual from the case study was living through her addiction. Your final assignment is to first thoroughly read the case study and the Chemical Dependency Act, and then to use the outline below to synthesize the material from the text as it relates to the case study. The outline is also linked as a Word document.
This final assignment should use a minimum of 600-800 words, APA style with a cover sheet titled “A Case Review that we can Learn From”, abstract, case review, summary, and conclusions. The only resources needed for this assignment are the case study, the Chemical Dependency Act, and the text.
This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.


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