The results from data ran through Jamovi would be provided, with other addition


The results from data ran through Jamovi would be provided, with other addition

The results from data ran through Jamovi would be provided, with other addition information.
1. You are required to write an in depth discussion on the of the results and topic( Growth Mindset & Grit as Predictive of Motivation) with a lot of supporting evidence from other articles. Discussion This section should be around 1,600 words in length. This section goes from specific to broad (from the study findings to what the findings mean to the wider field). Begin by re-stating your aim and discussing the findings in terms of the original hypotheses. Do not discuss the “null hypothesis”, you only need to refer to your experimental hypothesis. Do not add any statistics here either, refer your reader to the section in which they were discussed. The bulk of this section should explain and expand on your findings. Use previous research to try to explain why you found what you found.
Discuss theories related to motivation.
Discuss the implications of your findings to science. Then move on to discussing the implications of your findings to the field and ‘real life’. Make sure these are properly supported by the scope/context of your study. That is, avoid making claims that say your results may inform ‘clinical interventions’ when you did not recruit from a clinical population. You should have limitations section (only 1 or 2 paragraphs MAX), and suggestions for future directions. Do not over-critique your study by providing never-ending lists of limitations, only discuss the key ones. You may see that some limitations could be re-framed as suggestions for future directions – which is why these two (limitations/future directions) are usually presented together. End with a conclusion, that goes beyond re-stating everything that is in the main body of text. Try to summarise the most important bits, and end with the main ‘take home message’.
I need 6 pages.


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