The rationale for this exercise is to take student learning beyond the pitch sta


The rationale for this exercise is to take student learning beyond the pitch sta

The rationale for this exercise is to take student learning beyond the pitch stage of venture development and into the wider considerations associated with growing a new firm. Detailed instructions are outlined below:
Core content
1) At a basic level, you should aim to describe the business model at key phases of development in the venture so far:
– You might start with some form of “launch phase” which will broadly cover the period where the venture first becomes operational (i.e. it first begins to produce and/or sell products and/or deliver its service to customers).
– Aim to describe the state of business model using relevant supporting material. For example, the Business Model Canvas by Osterwalder and Pigneur (available from the library) offers a credible template upon which to analyze the different components of a business and how they work together. It is highly recommended that you use this as your core supporting material.
– Aim to identify phases of significant change to the business model. These will likely be characterized by some form of major change to operations, customer portfolio, offering type/product lines, value proposition, or perhaps by a period of organic volume growth. You should be able to explain how the business model works following these major phases of development.
– The entire development journey of the venture might be summarized in perhaps 3-6 development phases, which would summarize the venture up to its current state.
2) Beyond simply describing changes to the business model, you should also present some commentary on the strategic rationale for those changes. What factors were driving these changes? For example:
– Were they part of a deliberate strategy aimed at growing the company?
– Were they designed to pursue a specific opportunity?
– Were they in response to some form of external factor, event, or threat?
– Were they aimed at growing the existing customer base? Or at pivoting to another market segment? Or at improving existing operational efficiency?
– What was perceived to be wrong with the existing business model that these changes were required?
3) Finally, you might conclude the report by speculating on the future development of the company and the implications that your strategic vision would have for the business model going forward.
· The submission should be in report format (i.e. front cover, sub-sections, figures/tables), not essay format.
· You are encouraged to use visual representations of the business model, including for example, service delivery maps or other depictions of operational processes.
· You are free to use either footnotes or Harvard referencing style
Supporting materials to use
· Your plan should utilize Business Model Canvas by Osterwalder and Pigneur as its core template to explain business model design and how iterations to business models characterize venture development.
· Further relevant supporting materials will be released during the teaching semester
· The in-class presentation on week 6 and associated discussion held on week 7 will likely be the best source of information on the case. You are, however, encouraged to supplement this information in any way you can; for example:
– You might review the venture’s website and/or social media for relevant info
– You might conduct some web-searches on the venture
– Press releases, for example, are often a good way to develop a sense of the timeline of key events in the firm’s history
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