The purpose of this individual project is to allow you to investigate (research)


The purpose of this individual project is to allow you to investigate (research)

The purpose of this individual project is to allow you to investigate (research) new and interesting emerging INFORMATION technologies. I suggest that you check out google for new and emerging information technologies. Like this: Googley Thing! There are tons of interesting topics ranging from artificial intelligence (ChatGPT, Self driving cars, etc) to digital currency to automated houses to robots to virtual reality gaming. Once you have chosen a topic, email me ( the topic for approval and put MIS3063-PPT Project Topic in the subject line of your email.
Once I email you back with my approval, begin collecting information on your topic. Your goal is to create a PowerPoint presentation that you will record audio on to present your topic to the class. While the class will not get the opportunity to see or hear the presentation, you need to present and record as if you were presenting. Many will ask how many slides. The answer is it depends, however, the rule of thumb is that it normally takes 10-15 slides to present a new concept and teach it to someone. So, your presentation should be 13+ slides as a minimum. One slide would be your title, one would be your agenda, the remaining would be the body, and you would end with the references slide(s) which you would not present, but just show. That is 3 slides being the title, agenda, references and 10 being the content. I want you to use PowerPoint and talk while presenting your slides (using the built-in narration tool in PowerPoint). You should have learned that in MIS 2223, but there are a ton of YouTube videos on how to do a talking PowerPoint.
Be sure to introduce yourself
You should have transitions between slides
Do not ramble since it makes the audience believe you do not know what you are talking about
Be confident
The formatting of your presentation should be the following:
Title slide
Agenda slide
Content slides
Conclusion slide
References slide(s) (any reference format)
As you can see, I am leaving what you do up to you. Pick something you are interested in and email me the topic for approval. Also, if you have any questions, email me.


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