The Policy Change Proposal This week, discuss your thoughts related to develo


The Policy Change Proposal
This week, discuss your thoughts related to develo

The Policy Change Proposal
This week, discuss your thoughts related to developing a proposal to improve an existing social policy.
Here are some ideas to get you started. Choose one to respond to for the discussion this week.
What are the elements of a successful proposal? What proposal elements are generally most important for different audiences? Have you ever submitted a proposal? If so, what were the results? How did you decide to use the format you chose?
Watch an advocacy presentation on YouTube (or a similar platform). What did you like and dislike about it? How effective do you think it was and why?
How does your culture, background, and/or experience impact your thinking about how to identify an opportunity for change and the leadership needed? How might this assist you in completing your presentation due in Week 9?
Explain which of this week’s concepts, resources, or activities is of most interest to you and your professional development. Offer some specific examples.


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