The instructions for this week’s lab are simple. Just go to an


The instructions for this week’s lab are simple. Just go to an

The instructions for this week’s lab are simple. Just go to and then navigate to the physics simulations. Then pick one of the motion, mechanics, forces, or energy simulations and become the world’s greatest expert in that simulation. Understand what concepts the simulation is trying to teach, how it works, what it is measuring, what are the units of the variable it is measuring, what all the knobs and dials control. Play with the simulation until you feel good enough that you can teach it to anyone. Then I would like each student/group to make a video that is roughly two – three minutes long that gives a tutorial for that simulation like you might find on YouTube. The video must include: 1) A full demonstration of how the simulation works and all its features and abilities. 2) An explanation of the physics concepts that the simulation is trying to teach. This will probably require some research on your part. This is the most important part. You can either upload the video to YouTube and share the link or you can actually upload the video. YouTube link is preferable. Good luck, be rigorous, and have fun.


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