Task summary: Choose a chief complaint and five (5) related body systems to asse


Task summary: Choose a chief complaint and five (5) related body systems to asse

Task summary: Choose a chief complaint and five (5) related body systems to assess in the physical exam. Complete the PE findings. Identify the diagnosis for the reported physical exam findings and explain your rationale for selecting the diagnosis. 400 words total, APA style.
Full order description: Dear Freelancer, please complete the task
Step 1:Choose a chief complaint (1 or 2 words only, keep it simple)Chief complaint : 26 year old with abdominal pain
Step 2:Choose five (5) related body systems to assess in the physical exam. Each of the five (5) body systems must be appropriateA list of body systems is in the assignment directions under the table templateBody systems that are chosen must directly relate to the patient’s chief complaint. Example: An appropriate body system to include in the PE for a patient with a CC of chest pain is the cardiovascular system.
Step 3: Complete the PE findings (Column A): Physical exam findings must be objective (what is observed or examined)(inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation)Lack of PE findings are considered “pertinent negatives”
Step 4.|Identify the diagnosis for the reported physical exam findings and explain your rationale for selecting the diagnosis (Column B)• Identify a separate diagnosis for each physical exam finding (at least three (3) different diagnoses are required; the same diagnosis cannot be used in each section)It needs to be in columns like the example
? ATTACHED:- details


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