-Summarize the theory and conclusions of the paper (~40% of paper grade) What id


-Summarize the theory and conclusions of the paper (~40% of paper grade) What id

-Summarize the theory and conclusions of the paper (~40% of paper grade) What ideas/hypotheses were the authors testing? What theory (or theories) do they present to justify their idea? Briefly, what did they do? Was their hypothesis supported or not? What were the main findings for the hypotheses? Go light on the statistics, and instead summarize in your own words what was found. What is the common sense interpretation of these results (i.e., what does it really mean, and how does it relate to real life?)
– Relate topics of the article to cultural health beliefs
-Provide a critique (~40% of paper grade) Do you agree or disagree with the article’s conclusions? Explain why you feel that way. Focus on what the authors did well, as well as one criticism you have about the theory, method, or conclusions drawn in the paper. In other words, what did they miss or what did they do poorly? Explain how your criticism poses a problem for the study; how might the results differ if your critique was addressed? What would be one future extension of this research? In other words, if you were going to conduct a follow-up study, what would you do to enhance our scientific understanding of this topic?


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