Scope of papers is to assess the implications of occupational health and safety


Scope of papers is to assess the implications of occupational health and safety

Scope of papers is to assess the implications of occupational health and safety management systems in developing countries- particularly the construction industry.
summarise and critically analyse a carefully chosen set of three peer-reviewed, academic journal papers that are relevant to your allocated dissertation topic area, comparing each of these “core papers” with each other and with other related academic papers.
Summary (of Context, Method, Results and Conclusions): Briefly explain the purpose, context and scope of
the paper and the topic area that it addresses. Describe the particular issue that the study addresses and the research methods used to generate and analyse the data. Summarise the main findings and conclusions as documented in the paper.
CritiqueandComparisonwithrelatedpapers:Thissectionshouldexamineeachresearchpaperandaddress questions such as: Does the study/ paper achieve its aim? Examining the methodology, why was this approach selected? Is the methodology similar to that which other researchers in this field have used and do these conclusions agree or disagree with other work in this area? Are the findings justified and/or valid in your view and how well did these relate to the authors’ aim and objectives? Was the evidence the authors used to back up their findings robust? You should compare the core paper with at least one additional academic source (supporting literature), and ideally more, to draw out relevant insights and different points of view.
Conclusions: You should end your review of each core paper with a few sentences summarising the conclusions that you have drawn from critical analysis of this research paper. This must go further than simply summarising the conclusions that are stated in the paper itself.
add all citations in Harvard style (including in text citations) and include other relevant academic papers.
The three academic journals are attached below.


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