Roller vs. Centrifugal Pump Heads The current arterial pump heads available to p


Roller vs. Centrifugal Pump Heads
The current arterial pump heads available to p

Roller vs. Centrifugal Pump Heads
The current arterial pump heads available to perfusionists are roller pumps and centrifugal pumps. Write a summary of what you have learned about roller and centrifugal pump heads. What are the differences between these 2 pumps? In what types of cases would you prefer roller vs centrifugal pumps? What does it mean to be preload and afterload INDEPENDENT vS DEPENDENT? What are pros and cons of each pump?
This paper should be no more than 3 pages. Double spaced. 12 point font. Your paper should contain full sentences that are clear and concise. You may use outside sources and research and be sure to cite them appropriately.
Please submit report as a doc or docx file with your name and date at the top of the document.


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