Read the following article and respond to all questions below in your initial po


Read the following article and respond to all questions below in your initial po

Read the following article and respond to all questions below in your initial post: “Vaccine hesitancy and (fake) news: Quasi‐experimental evidence from Italy”Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader  (Carrieri et al., 2019). Be sure to include a full APA reference for the article in your post.
Download and complete the CRAAP Test  Download CRAAP TestOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReaderworksheet by filling in a score for each of the 5 categories. Based on the CRAAP Test, Is this a credible article? Why or why not?
Why is it important to be able to determine whether information is credible in your role as a nurse?
In the introduction section of the article, the authors point to something specific that lends credibility to the argument they’re trying to make. What is it?
What are strategies that you can use in the workplace to ensure that you are using credible sources?


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