Purpose The purpose of creating a teacher-directed activity plan is for students


The purpose of creating a teacher-directed activity plan is for students

The purpose of creating a teacher-directed activity plan is for students to demonstrate skills in planning developmentally appropriate curriculum activities that foster social, cognitive, physical, emotional, language and creative development. Students will also demonstrate their ability to document curriculum planning process with written curriculum plans.
Teacher-directed activities are typically used when a new skill or concept is being introduced to children. Answer the following questions within two pages:
Plan a teacher-directed activity for one of the following subject areas: Math, Literacy, Social Studies, Science The activity must support children’s developmental needs: physical, social, emotional, linguistic, & cognitive.
Please use the following template for your activity plan. Activities plans will include the following information:
Name of the Activity
Age Range
Learning Area
At Least 3 Learning Objectives, including an explanation of how the objectives will be met
At least 3 Developmental Objectives, including an explanation of how the objectives will be met
List of materials required
Explanation of how the activity will be introduced to the children
Step-by-Step Procedure (Explanation of how the children will use the materials to meet the learning objectives and developmental objectives)
Explanation of how children will be evaluated in meeting the objectives
Write a two-page summary, answering the following questions:
How will the new information make sense to children?What current information must he children already know?
What similar experiences will children need to relate to the new concept being taught?
How does the new information add to what the children already know?
How does your activity demonstrate the new concept being taught?
How does the activity help children understand each other’s thoughts and ideas?
How can children represent their learning through extended play & activities?


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