Postincident review allows emergency managers, first responders, and allied prof


Postincident review allows emergency managers, first responders, and allied prof

Postincident review allows emergency managers, first responders, and allied professionals the opportunity to learn from past mistakes and reinforce positive adaptive behaviors. In the past decade, there have been many disasters where the effects of the hazard impact were exacerbated by either the failure or lack of adequate planning methods.
Select one natural, technological, or human-caused disaster that has occurred in the past 20 years.
Hurricane Harvey is the selected natural disaster
write a 1,000-1,250 word essay that includes the following:
Briefly describe the disaster event.
Discuss the failure of or lack of effective planning measures.
Provide a summary of after-action lessons learned from this event.
In your viewpoint, recommend how specific planning measure would prevent future planning failures to limit losses and ensure continuity of operations. Cite relevant emergency management sources to defend your claims
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


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