Please write a 500 word or less essay using the following information. The essay


Please write a 500 word or less essay using the following information. The essay

Please write a 500 word or less essay using the following information. The essay will be checked for AI, so please make sure it will pass through an AI checker.
The prompt:
The mission of the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) is to build healthy communities by supporting qualified health care providers dedicated to working in areas of the United States with limited access to care. With this mission, we know that patients often need health care providers to better understand them as a whole person. This is particularly important among underserved populations receiving care. Please describe an experience in which you have contributed to the well- being of an underserved community and the impact/result of your contribution.
The experience I would like to write about is when I volunteered at the College and Career Lab at my dental school. It was a 2-day event for underserved middle school students where they got to learn about the dental profession and do a hands-on session related to dentistry. These students rotated to different colleges at the university to learn about different professions.
The mission of the program:
Nurture the high aspirations of underserved students by showcasing the diversity of post-secondary education and career pathways. We provide students the tools to navigate systemic barriers by facilitating access, awareness, and support to translate goals into meaningful and concrete pathways for educational and career advancement.
The activities of the event and led by me and other dental students:
-Presentations discussing “What is dentistry?” and how to be successful in high school and college.
-Tour of the school stopping at the dental school library, 2 lecture halls, clinic, and the simulation lab
-Simulation lab exercise: students poured up a stone model of an arch of teeth then placed sealants on the pits and grooves of the teeth


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