Please only use the 4 articles I have given in the document/file attached. 1. In


Please only use the 4 articles I have given in the document/file attached.
1. In

Please only use the 4 articles I have given in the document/file attached.
1. Introductory paragraph. You will introduce your topic and why it is important to examine. You must finish the paragraph with the purpose of your group project. This section can be as brief as 3-5 sentences. The key is that readers will understand the purpose and focus of your study using a brief summary.
2. Literature review. You will include a descriiption of the variables you intend to study, as well as the research that supports why you are studying them and their relationship with one another. provide an analysis of the articles as they relate to your specific project focus. You can have separate sections for each variable, but you must draw links between them so the reader can understand how you believe the variables are related to one another. Make sure you define any theories or concepts, present a basic summary of what the researchers examined and found, and then connect their findings to your stated project purpose. In other words, how does the past research explain what you plan to study? 3. Hypotheses. As best as you can, state your proposed study hypothesis. I recommend you focus on the relationship between two variables; however, you can choose to examine more. You can also have more than hypothesis, but remember a hypothesis needs to be very specific and testable. My hypothesis is as follows, “Based on the existing literature, we predict that social media addiction will be positively correlated with Fear of Missing Out (FoMO).” 4. References. Include a reference page at the end of your paper with all sources in APA style. References within the paper must match sources listed on the reference page and visa versa; you should not have references at the end of your paper that were not cited within the paper or sources cited in your paper that are not listed on. Your references page.
Additional paper requirements:
DO NOT infer causal relationships when you are discussing correlational studies (including your own). There are several terms that imply cause, including effect, affect, influences, and results in. Terms describing relationships include relates, correlates with/to, and predicts.
NO direct quotes are to be included in ANY papers (-5 to -10 points for each violation, depending on severity).
Avoid casual language (e.g., huge) or writing in the same manner that you would speak; this often results in lengthy, confusing statements. In the sciences, sentences are brief and specific.
External sources (complete content in pdf, not hyperlinks) must be submitted with your paper (-20 points for not submitting sources).
Full APA style citations for external sources at the end of your paper, as well as in-paper citations. Refer to the course resource page for assistance (see Course Resources for specific links).
Points deducted for the following matters will depend upon the degree of the problem: Spelling, grammar, and sentence structure, including punctuation.
Phrase your sentences so the authors are the ‘actors.’ An article or study cannot ‘do’ anything.
CORRECT: Bandura (1964) argued that children learn through role models.
INCORRECT: The article argued that children learn through role models.
In the sciences, theories or hypotheses are NEVER ‘proven.’ Since any future research could disprove existing studies, we use verbs such as ‘demonstrated’ or ‘supported.’
Citations within a paper ONLY include the author(s) and year of publication. The article and journal titles should NOT be in the text of the paper. They are included in the full citations at the end of the paper.


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