Please follow the instructions below to write a letter that demonstrates citizen


Please follow the instructions below to write a letter that demonstrates citizen

Please follow the instructions below to write a letter that demonstrates citizen participation in state and local government. There is a rubric to follow.
For this activity, you will write a letter to a local government leader about an issue that is important to you. You may choose any appropriate topic. Topics can include concerns regarding potholes, traffic, sidewalks, drug abuse, parks, homelessness, etc. The government leader can be a senator, city councilperson, or mayor.
Directions for your letter:
Your letter needs to be at least three paragraphs. Each paragraph should be at least five sentences.
Paragraph 1 (Introduction): Introduce yourself, where you are from (you can name only your state if you prefer), how long you have lived in the area, what you do for work or your general industry if you are employed, your age, and explain how you are working to graduate from high school. You can change any personal details if you do not prefer to share them in your assignment. Make sure to include 4-6 details in your introduction statement.
Paragraph 2 (The Issue): You should describe a real problem in your community. Why is it a problem and how does it affect you and your community? You should include research that explains the problem.
Paragraph 3: (A Solution): Describe a solution for the problem in your community. Why is it the best solution…or are there other solutions as well?
Make sure to sign the letter with your name. Be polite and appropriate. Express appreciation for the work they do for your city. You might even consider e-mailing or mailing the letter to your local government representative.
It is recommended to write your draft in a separate word document so you can plan and edit your essay. You can then upload your letter to Dropbox.
Here is a video guide
Here is an example letter:
June 5, 2018
Dear City Council Woman Janette Neilson,
My name is Jessica Vega. I am 17. I work at Taco Bell and I have a son that is almost 1 year old. I was born in Los Angeles but I came here to your city in Nevada when I was only three years old. Right now I am working through an online school to receive my high school diploma. Nevada has been a good place to live.
I am writing about a concern I have related to gang violence. There have been two shootings in my neighborhood in the last three years. In one of the shootings, a little girl only nine years old was caught in the crossfire. This violence seems to be triggered by gangs fighting for areas to sell drugs. I am concerned that this violence is getting worse. Salt Lake City, Utah has also experienced similar issues. They have experienced a recent increase in gang violence. They are trying a combined effort at increasing patrols in target neighborhoods, quick 911 responses, and an outreach program to troubled youth to prevent gang recruiting. Here is a recent article that describes their efforts from the Deseret News: Their methods appear to be effective in preventing gang violence.
I was wondering what our city is doing now to prevent more gang violence? Are their programs to reach out to troubled youth that are more vulnerable to being caught up in gang violence? Are police focusing on neighborhoods where violence has already occurred? Does our city police have a rapid response time to 911 calls? What programs do we have to help keep troubled youth in school, to help them find employment, and positive activities so that they do not need to resort to gang behavior?
I appreciate all that you do for the city. I understand that it is very time-consuming.
Jessica Vega
Refer to the rubric below:
CategoryDoes Not Meet Yet (0-59)Emerging Expectations (60-75)Meets Expectations
(76-89)Exceeds Expectations
Paragraph 1:
Introduction (10%)An introduction statement is incomplete.
Author attempts to include an introduction but only includes 1-2 details.
The introduction statement provides a statement of who the author is with 3-4 details.
The introduction provides a clear, strong statement of who the author is with 4-6 details.
Paragraph 2:
The Issue (40%)The community issue is missing or is not stated clearly and/or the evidence does not support the issue.A good attempt has been made to explain the community issue. It may or may not be specific and/or relevant. May be missing evidence and research to support the issue.The community issue is specific and relevant. The evidence and research support the issue.The community issue is clearly explained. It is both specific and relevant. The evidence and research support the issue.
Paragraph 3:
A Solution. (40%)There is no solution to the community issue and/or no explanation of the solution.Author attempts to offer a solution and explanation to the community issue. A solution to the community issue is provided. An explanation is given.A thoughtful solution to the community issue is provided. A detailed explanation is given.
Spelling, Grammar and Etiquette (10%)There are many spelling or grammar errors. The letter may be lacking politeness and appropriateness. May not follow a letter format. There are 3-5 spelling or grammar errors. The letter is appropriate.There are 2-3 spelling or grammar errors. The letter is polite and appropriate.There are no spelling or grammar errors. The letter is polite and appropriate.


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