Please answer the following questions as best you can from the materials (Slides


Please answer the following questions as best you can from the materials (Slides

Please answer the following questions as best you can from the materials (Slides, Lectures, Readings, etc) covered in our class. The answers that get the most credit will address the questions in the specific way that we have covered the associated topics. Please make sure to incorporate examples that were given on the topics since this is an important part in grading each essay. Examples may come from course lectures, slides, articles, videos, etc.
Grammar and other writing tips please try to make your answers as coherent as possible.
Please keep this exam exactly as you see it with my directions and questions in bold and provide your answer underneath questions in regular (non-bold) text. Submit your exam this way, with all of my instructions and questions as part of your exam document and keep it as a Word Document. If you don’t submit the exam this way, 5 points will be taken off the exam grade.

For each question, I give you a suggested minimum length. This is meant to give you an expectation of how long the answer should be at a minimum. We all write differently, so it could be that you need more, or much more, to accurately answer the question.
I have put all the PowerPoint of the modules you will need to read into a zip file please review each one of those to help you answer the question and provide examples, Provide as many examples as possible from the modules and articles, and provide me a word document with a list of example you used and from where in the PowerPoint/article
make sure the responses to the questions are based on the suggested length on the document and make sure you answer each question as detailed as possible and provide many examples as you can off the powerpoints or reading


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