– Pick a home improvement project that interests you and identify at least 3 way


– Pick a home improvement project that interests you and identify at least 3 way

– Pick a home improvement project that interests you and identify at least 3 ways math is important when calculating the materials, labor, and budget needed for that project. Explain why math is important in each case and illustrate your point by using math in some examples.
Writing Prompt:
Select one topic from below and write a short paper about it. Use the Internet to research your topic to help you discuss any new discoveries or inventions dealing with your topic or any other relevant, interesting information.
Essay Length: 2 pages
Sources: 2 websites and your course textbook required
You must list your course textbook on the reference page as follows:
Excel High School. (2022). Consumer Math. Include current web address for course here
Excel General Rubric_2020
Excel General Rubric_2020
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
main idea and supporting details address the writing prompt
5 pts
Exceptionally clear, focused, engaging with relevant, strong supporting details
4 pts
Evident main idea with support which may be general or limited
3 pts
Main idea may be cloudy because supporting details are too general or lack support of topic
2 pts
Needs Improvement
Purpose and main idea are unclear, irrelevant details
1 pts
Lacks apparent main idea; development is minimal or non-existent
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
structure, introduction, body, conclusion
5 pts
Effectively organized in logical manner; creative and engaging intro, body and conclusion
4 pts
Organization is appropriate; evident attempt of clear intro, body and conclusion
3 pts
Organization is fair; may be a “list” of events; intro, body and/or conclusion not fully developed
2 pts
Needs Improvement
Lack of structure; disorganized and hard to follow; missing or weak intro, body and/or conclusion
1 pts
Lack of coherence; confusing; no identifiable introduction or conclusion
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVoice/Word Choice/Fluency
sentence variety, grammar, spelling, punctuation
5 pts
Expressive and engaging, carefully chosen words, complex and varied sentences, exceptional control of standard conventions of writing
4 pts
Functional language with broad range of words, good sentence structure with variety, strong control of conventions, errors are minor
3 pts
Sentence variety is evident but awkward, monotonous and choppy structure, control of most writing conventions
2 pts
Needs Improvement
Limited sentence variety, limited control of conventions with frequent errors
1 pts
Lacks sentence variety and structure, difficult to follow, confusing at times, grammar errors are distracting
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format
three main components must be included: title page, in-text citations, reference page
5 pts
The three components are error free, ample mix of quotations and paraphrasing implemented with in-text citations
4 pts
Minimal errors in the three components and in-text citations are provided throughout the essay
3 pts
Formatting errors apparent in the three components and/or paper lacks sufficient in-text citations
2 pts
Needs Improvement
The three components are attempted but incorrectly formatted and/or paper needs additional in-text citations
1 pts
One or more of the three components is missing, in-text citations are not implemented (automatic resubmission required indicated by a score of 11)
5 pts
Total Points: 20


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