Midterm Critical Analysis Paper


Midterm Critical Analysis Paper

A critical analysis will be included in a four-page paper, APA style. The paper should include use of a title page, in-text citations (e.g., (Pearce, p.14), and a reference page. A reference list should include your textbook. You may use outside sources. The four pages mentioned above is text only (exclusive, i.e. not including title page and reference page). Students may exceed the four page minimum (without limit) but will be penalized for going under four pages of content and/or providing insufficient support of their thesis. Students are expected to demonstrate knowledge of various topics covered throughout the term, thus it is important to bring those key topics in support of your essay’s thesis.

Prompt: Choose any two religions that have been covered in the course so far, and in a critical analysis paper, develop a thesis, critically compare them, and provide a section in which you insert your own voice/reflections about what you’ve learned about them. This is intentionally broad to allow you as the writer to go in the direction you desire. Note on papers: In general, I always say to avoid the use of “I” in formal papers, but since I’m asking for some reflections, you may use it, but do so sparingly. To use it sparingly, you might say instead of “I think,” something like, “it challenged me to consider…” or “it is difficult to think about…” This is stating your view but doing so in a less direct way. Always avoid contractions (can’t, don’t etc, and write them out instead, i.e. cannot, do not, etc.). Also, please avoid cliches in formal writing, ex. of a cliche is “It’s raining buckets…

Stephen Prothero, “God is Not One.”” ISBN 978-0-06-157127-5

I would like the critical analysis paper done on Islam and Hinduism

See below for PDF of book pages

You can also use other resources if needed but most of the essay needs to be referencing the book.


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