Let me know which ones to color which and label it because I don’t know what is


Let me know which ones to color which and label it because I don’t know what is

Let me know which ones to color which and label it because I don’t know what is what please read the instructions for coral reef. Now for the assignment for family answer the questions based on the passage and the Jpr I need you to write a esssay first paragraph must say whether you agree or not give important definitions based on sentence that is in quotation and have a thesis statement what your going to be talking about like say what you will be saying in the essay. Second paragraph is your first example/ reason, third paragraph is your next example or reason, fourth paragraph is your next example or reason fifth paragraph is you opposing view which is far left what others think and paragraph six will be the conclusion which will be summarizion what you have said in the essay and quote the statement back and say whether you agree or not. Do not write this jpr like a college student write it like a ninth grader. Do not plagiarize use your own thoughts My last assignment is an essay for civics which ministry would you want to be the minister for? Example. Minister of health & wellness (then explain why)
Must be 350-500 words and 5 paragraphs do not write this essay like a college student write it like a ninth grader. Do not plagiarize use your own thoughts. The ministry I want to be the minister for is minister of foreign affairs and immigration if you don’t know what that is search it up it’s based in the Bahamas
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