J.S. is a 65 year-old man who began experiencing difficulty with his voice after


J.S. is a 65 year-old man who began experiencing difficulty with his voice after

J.S. is a 65 year-old man who began experiencing difficulty with his voice after a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. He described his symptoms at that time as an inability to increase vocal intensity without voice “breaks” and poor quality and control. His family has reported that his vocal volume is low, but he doesn’t believe that it is low. While working in other fields, he continued to experience low vocal intensity that impacted his work because his coworkers couldn’t hear him. He is not a smoker and has no injuries to his neck. He also states he has not had any surgical procedures that required intubation or affected the head or neck.
Here are the results of acoustic analysis: Fundamental frequency was 102 Hz Maximum Phonation Time: 5 seconds Vocal Intensity: 50 dB
Laryngeal imaging with rigid endoscopy and stroboscopy revealed reduced vocal closure (reduced adduction) and bowing of the vocal folds upon phonation. You’re the SLP who specializes in treatment strategies for patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Need a handout of information on takeways, discussing diagnostic and treatment strategies from your textbook and other reputable sources. Resources must be cited on a references page for the handout.
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