Introduction Given the Health Informatics Integrated Delivery Network (IDN) sce


Given the Health Informatics Integrated Delivery Network (IDN) sce

Introduction Given the Health Informatics Integrated Delivery Network (IDN) scenario chosen in your Week 1 assignment, your group will write a paper consisting of your comprehensive program plan from the viewpoint of the Project Management Office Director (PMOD) for the IDN chosen in Week 1. Your group must design a comprehensive Group Program Management Plan that includes the following sections using the Group Program Management Plan Download Group Program Management Plantemplate: Program strategy (including a program risk management plan and a communication plan) Description of data analysis Stakeholder analysis Visual logic model Marketing plan Capital and operational program budget Program evaluation plan Conclusion Be sure to update each section based on any instructor feedback you received in your previous assignments or additional research you have done. If you decide not to incorporate a specific element of instructor feedback, please provide a rationale. The Program Strategy and Conclusion sections of your Group Management Plan final paper should stand on their own as two to three pages of material that could be used by senior executive stakeholders and provide a brief synopsis of your program, its strategy, and your recommendations as the PMOD. Research at least six scholarly, peer-reviewed, or credible sources to support your assignment. Important Submission Information: Each group member must submit the group paper to their individual assignment drop box in the classroom using Waypoint. The Group Program Management Plan has one final paper submitted by each student for each group in the class. The sub-elements required for each of the program plan elements are outlined below. Write Program Strategy (two to three pages) This is where your group clearly develops its strategic approach of using multiple informatics project initiatives in one integrated program to address the strategic problems and opportunities for the IDN. Defend how your program strategy for the Practice Management System, Personal Health Record with Electronic Visits, and Telehealth Monitoring Application specifically addresses the strategic challenges and opportunities of the IDN. Devise a meaningful strategy to manage multiple group member’s projects Practice Management System, Personal Health Record with Electronic Visits, and Telehealth Monitoring Application as a comprehensive program. Evaluate how each individual project completed by your team members contributed to the program strategy. Assess how your strategy compares to the strategy you proposed in the Week 4 Group Program Management Plan—Status Memorandum. Explain the adjustments you made to the Group Program Management Plan to effectively develop your strategy to manage multiple projects as a comprehensive program. Support your strategy with data from your data analysis. Program Risk Management Plan: Refer to the Week 4 interactive assignment regarding program risk: Summarize the specifics of your Program Risk Management Plan used by the PMOD to identify, communicate, and mitigate program-level risks. Include, at minimum, relevant business strategy risks, technical risks, financial risks, and risks to daily operations in your program level risk plan for the Practice Management System, Personal Health Record with Electronic Visits, and Telehealth Monitoring Application. Communication Plan: In the Week 2 discussion you addressed the “three V’s of communication” (Verbal, Vocal and Visual) and identified the stakeholders for each project in the program. In this context, the group will Create an effective communication plan that is unique for the program. Include all communication requirements for the individual projects that comprise the program. Summarize how the PMOD will meet the verbal and written requirements of a comprehensive communication plan while considering the needs of the program stakeholders. Determine who the PMOD should communicate with, how often, and in what form. Create sample messages that would be created for executive program stakeholders and provide a rationale. Description of Data Analysis (one to two pages) Your group chose a strategic plan to integrate various individual projects (Practice Management System, Personal Health Record with Electronic Visits, and Telehealth Monitoring Application) into an effective program strategy for the IDN. Using the Five Pillars of Informatics addressed in the Week 1 assignment, and a minimum of three scholarly sources of data derived either from publicly available government sources or published data from best practice quality organizations in the industry, your group must Assess data to support your overall strategic program and risk management plans. Analyze how the development of the strategic plan and risk management plan came from an objective analysis of quantitative data using descriptive statistical methods. Summarize how this data analysis would be used to directly influence the development of your overall strategy and risk management plan including your marketing plan, approach to budgetary resources, and your proposed methods for program evaluation. Stakeholder Analysis (one to two pages) In Weeks 2 and 5 you discussed project-level stakeholders for the individual projects (Practice Management System, Personal Health Record with Electronic Visits, and Telehealth Monitoring Application) that comprise what is now a comprehensive program. Prior to addressing the Stakeholder Analysis segment of your plan, review these project-level stakeholder analyses and, as a group, develop a plan to identify common stakeholders that span projects within the program. In your stakeholder analysis section Determine who the stakeholders are and their roles. Assess the relationship between stakeholder needs at the project versus program level. Determine the differences between how stakeholders view a project that affects one department or division as opposed to a program that affects the entire IDN enterprise. Visual Logic Model (one to two pages) Using PowerPoint or other modeling software tool, Create an accurate visual logic model of your program (Practice Management System, Personal Health Record with Electronic Visits, and Telehealth Monitoring Application). Include all metrics used to measure the technical, operational, and financial aspects of your program. Integrate the visual logic model into the Group Program Management Plan. Summarize the key elements of the visual model for the reader. Marketing Plan (one to two pages) The marketing plan should cover all aspects of the program’s (Practice Management System, Personal Health Record with Electronic Visits, and Telehealth Monitoring Application) ability to effectively distribute its services to the intended stakeholders. This is the area of program development where the group needs to consider how the informatics elements and processes being implemented at the program level affect end users in the organization. Remember that your group is thinking as the PMOD who must consider the marketing plan for the program differently than the marketing and communications of any project within the program. In your marketing plan, Determine the end users affected by the informatics solutions being proposed within the program. Summarize how the program will be most effectively marketed to those end users to execute the strategic program plan. Determine, at minimum, the types of individual roles or groups that represent end users within the IDN affected by the informatics solutions being delivered as part of the program. Justify, for each of these roles or groups, the methods, tools, and approaches that the PMOD uses to market the program. Include the following considerations: Describe the type of brand the program will have for these end users. Explain how this brand can be managed by the PMOD and the program executive stakeholders to facilitate optimal adoption of the informatics solutions being implemented within the program. Explain how social elements of program marketing can be used to promote the program. Support your strategy with data from your data analysis. Capital and Operational Program Budget (one to two pages) Review the HIA608 HIT Pro Forma Explanation Download HIA608 HIT Pro Forma Explanation before completing this section of the management plan. Estimate a three-year projection for program capital and operational expenses for the Practice Management System, Personal Health Record with Electronic Visits, and Telehealth Monitoring Application. Utilize the Microsoft Excel Template Download Microsoft Excel Templateprovided in the course. Document any notes regarding staffing, scope, technology, and supplier contracting in the comments area of your spreadsheet beyond estimating a three-year projection for program capital and operational expenses. For example, this cost encompasses a user license of 50 or more licensed users. When completed, paste this spreadsheet into your Group Program Management Plan document. Be sure to provide language in your plan that leads the reader into this section of your plan. Include two to three paragraphs that describe your pro forma in text. Be sure to include your major assumptions in formulating these capital and operational cost projections. Combine the costs for the individual informatics solutions being implemented that everyone in the group has developed. Analyze the capital and operational resource requirements of the entire program. In your analysis, Compare individual project costs related to implementing the informatics solutions at a project level. Determine whether economies of scale or relationships between these costs and costs exist at a program level. Assess the differences or similarities between the cost-related assumptions made in developing individual capital and operational project budgets versus the program-level capital and operating project budget. Note: Remember that the capital and operational multiyear budget you developed for the program will be used to manage both the program and multiple projects within it. Avoid duplicate costs between individual informatics projects in the program. Ensure that the program capital and operating costs for each year are specific and detailed enough in your budget so that the project management office can use this budget to manage the program’s expenditures. Program Evaluation Plan (one to two pages) In this section, Assess how evaluation measures differ at the project and program levels for the Practice Management System, Personal Health Record with Electronic Visits, and Telehealth Monitoring Application. Integrate the Week 4 assignment where you developed an evaluation plan for your individual informatics project. Propose metrics that will measure the technical, operational, and financial aspects of your program. Justify how internal and external stakeholders of the IDN will determine the program’s success based on these metrics. Organize your program evaluation according to your data analysis. Recall the sources of data you utilized in your data analysis element of the Group Program Management Proposal. Your group’s evaluation metrics used to assess the effectiveness of your strategic plan for the program should be based on as much objective analysis as possible. Outline your quantitative program metrics. Remember, remember the capital and operational costs you developed in your program budget. Assess the relationship between the program costs and the benefits being proposed as part of your program strategy. Determine the flexibility of the evaluation plan. For example, when you develop the feedback loops in your logic model between resources, work processes, and expected outcomes, does your evaluation plan allow for the expected outcome measures to change, if necessary, as the program progresses? Conclusion (about one page) The conclusion is where you, as the PMOD, can emphasize the major points in your Group Program Management Plan. Remember, that given the brief opportunity to communicate to executive audiences, the conclusion of your group program management proposal should be a section that could be read by a busy executive and effectively describe the program in its entirety. In your conclusion, Identify the key points the group wants to emphasize regarding the program proposal’s detailed elements. Summarize your key points (briefly address the following with emphasis in your conclusion): Identify your strategy to solve the issues being addressed by the plan. Identify its cost. Explain how you will measure the effectiveness. Describe a brief plan to market to end users and manage risk. Detail the objective data used by your group to develop this unique strategy and why the data was important to the strategy. Using professional, formal, concise, academic, clear, and language. Please avoid beginning a sentence with the words “these,” “those,” “they,” “this,” etc. as it decreases the readability of the statement.


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