In Unit 7, you developed the first part of your research method: the research de


In Unit 7, you developed the first part of your research method: the research de

In Unit 7, you developed the first part of your research method: the research design and participant sections. For this assignment, you will finish writing your method section, including your materials, measures, procedures, and ethical considerations sections.
Your assignment should be between 2 – 5 pages. You may use the optional Unit 8 Assignment Template to complete your assignment.
You will need to follow the steps outlined below to complete your assignment. Reviewing the readings and tutorials will help to ensure you have the information you need to be successful.
Be sure to address the following in your assignment:
Describe your measures. Describe each measure (e.g., name, constructs measured, number of items, type of items, reliability, and validity evidence). Explain how you will use each measure in your study.
Describe your materials and settings. Describe any materials that you would use in the proposed study. Examples of materials that a research study might require include stickers provided for reinforcement, electronic devices that are part of an intervention or observation tool, props, or other items required to conduct the study. You do not need to repeat the information about your measures in the materials section. Describe your research setting, such as the physical environment where you will collect data.
Describe your research procedures. Discuss the informed consent procedures. Then, provide a step-by-step description of what your study would entail.
Provide an evaluation of the ethical, legal, individual, and socio-cultural considerations involved in your proposed study. Discuss the steps you would take to ensure you meet the ethical standards of research described in the APA Ethics Code. Evaluate any ethical, legal, individual, and socio-cultural issues that may arise in your study and how you might address these.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Review the following resources before starting this assignment.
Read Chapter 8: “Planning Your Measurement Strategy for Data Collection”
Review “Criteria and Criterion Measures”
Review “Method”
Describe your measures.
Determine which variables you will need to measure in your proposed study.
Visit the Mental Measurements yearbook and identify appropriate measures for each variable you must measure. Review the options available in the database to determine the most appropriate measure for each variable.
Describe each measure (e.g., name, constructs measured, number of items, type of items, reliability, and validity evidence). Explain how you will use each measure in your study.
Describe your materials and settings. Describe any materials that you would use in the proposed study. Examples of materials that a research study might require include stickers provided for reinforcement, electronic devices that are part of an intervention or observation tool, props, or other items required to conduct the study. You do not need to repeat the information about your measures in the materials section. Describe your research setting, such as the physical environment where you will collect data.
Describe your research procedures. Provide a step-by-step description of what your study would entail. What will participants do from start to finish in your study? Be as specific and detailed as possible to ensure that another researcher could follow your method section and conduct the study.
Discuss the informed consent procedures.
Provide a step-by-step description of what your study would entail.
Provide an evaluation of the ethical, legal, individual, and socio-cultural considerations involved in your proposed study.
Review the APA Ethics Code, paying close attention to Sections A and B, to prepare for this part of the assignment. If applicable, review any other codes of ethics that may be relevant to your proposed study.
Discuss the steps you would take to ensure you meet the ethical standards of research and assessment described in the APA Ethics Code.
Evaluate any ethical, legal, individual, and socio-cultural issues that may arise in your study and how you might address these.
Your assignment should be between 2 – 5 pages. It should include the following elements:
Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned.
Use standard 1″ margins on all sides.
Use current APA formatting and citation style.
*Going based off Unit 6 and Unit 7 Assignments attached in the files, use Unit8Assignment template to complete (references you will use is attached on the Unit8Assignment template)*


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