In this assignment, you will delve into the first chapter of Roberto G. Gonzales


In this assignment, you will delve into the first chapter of Roberto G. Gonzales

In this assignment, you will delve into the first chapter of Roberto G. Gonzales’ “Lives in Limbo”. Drawing upon the rich historical context established in previous modules, which includes the impactful Plyler v. Doe ruling, the Lemon Grove incident, and readings on the Treaty of Guadalupe, your task is to analyze how these historical events intersect with the lived experiences narrated by Gonzales.
Using course content, provide an organized and supported response to the following question:
After reading the first chapter of Lives in Limbo’ by Roberto G. Gonzales reflect on the challenges and complexities experienced by undocumented students. Discuss the implications of living in a state of uncertainty and explore the factors that contribute to the unique struggles faced by undocumented youth as they come of age in America. Could the Treaty of Guadalupe, the Hopwood case, and the Lemon Grove incident, and Plyler v Doe impact undocumented student’s current experiences?
Using examples from previous modules to further elevate your arguments.
At the top of the paper, include the original prompt and the title of your paper (you must give your paper a title)
2 to 3 full pages
Times New Roman font, 12 pt., double spaced
1-inch margins (default)
submit online as PDF file.
You must provide citations from any readings or outside sources when you: quote from the source, summarize another writer’s ideas, concepts, or opinions, or any data pulled from the source. My preferred citation for this class is MLA or APA7, but any style is ok as long as you are consistent. For more information on when and how to cite in your paper as well as the citation styles and examples, please read The Students’ Guide To Citation Styles
Please review Academic Integrity policy in the syllabus– keep in mind, all your submissions will be reviewed by Turn It In, a plagiarism detection service which matches your text to online sources, submissions from other students, and published texts.


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