In one to two sentences, formulate an application problem that could be modeled


In one to two sentences, formulate an application problem that could
be modeled

In one to two sentences, formulate an application problem that could
be modeled mathematically through the graph of the function (c) from Discussion 1. Some examples are the cost functions (manufacturing, production, distribution, transportation, installation, setup, etc.),
economy charts, population functions, and modeling an epidemic. Be sure
to indicate what entities are represented by independent and dependent
Include the following:For
what values of the independent variable does the function have a
practical interpretation in the context of your application problem?
In Desmos, draw the graph of the first derivative function 0 and interpret it in the context of your application problem.
Find all values for which the first derivative of the function 0 is and interpret them in the context of your application problem.


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