In a Word document, compose a short response essay (500 words). Your essay shoul


In a Word document, compose a short response essay (500 words). Your essay shoul

In a Word document, compose a short response essay (500 words). Your essay should contain a thesis statement, evidence from the text (with proper citations from the primary source, textbook, and/or lesson readings), and a conclusion. Select ONE of the following prompts to respond to:
How does Abelard’s education seep into his writing? What authors and works does he reference or quote? What does this suggest about education in the 12th century?
Sources to choose from:
Historical Reading: Peter Abelard, Historia Calamitatum (History of My Adversaties), Chapters V, VI, VII, and VIII
Backman, C.R. (2003). Worlds of Medieval Europe (Links to an external site.). Oxford University Press. Chapter 10 (pp. 208-219, 227-229), Chapter 11, & Chapter 14 (pp. 304-309, 316-325)


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