“Imagine you are tasked with assisting individuals who have been previously inca


“Imagine you are tasked with assisting individuals who have been previously inca

“Imagine you are tasked with assisting individuals who have been previously incarcerated and have just been released back into the community. In particular you have one client named Tim who has just completed a 45 year sentence. He is completely overwhelmed at how much the outside world has changed and has even expressed frustration on having trouble washing his hands in a public restroom once, as a stranger had to show him how to stick his hand under the faucet for water to come out.
How do you assist him? What would be the first three steps that you would personally take? Most of his family and support system are either no longer around or passed away. Therefore, his ability to reintegrate successfully depends upon your next steps. (FYI: This is a real situation that is based off one of my many experiences working with those who have served life sentences).


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