I want you to analyze prop 46 This assignment should give you a deeper understa


I want you to analyze prop 46
This assignment should give you a deeper

I want you to analyze prop 46
This assignment should give you a deeper
understanding of direct democracy in California and the political forces behind its use
Most important: Your paper should follow a chronological narrative, starting from the beginning
of the issue to post-election aftermath. Good flow is essential to a good paper
Descriiption: Provide a brief summary of how the proposition altered or would have altered
existing law and the state constitution.
Background: Describe the political background that prompted the ballot proposition to be
qualified and placed on the ballot. Why did Californians vote on this?
Supporters/Opponents: Identify who were the major supporters and opponents of the proposition
and describe their respective positions. Don’t just list groups and people from the ballot statement.
This is not a pro/con paper about the issue, so spend more time on the people than the arguments.
o Campaign: Discuss the election strategy and campaign for both sides. This should include
campaign contributions, polling, newspaper editorials, etc. This is a significant part of your paper.
Results: Present the electoral results, including regional, demographic, and other forms of electoral
analysis. Also, provide some insight into why the proposition passed or failed. Since this is a
political science course, this is an essential component of the paper.
oBroader Analysis: What were the political consequences of the proposition’s failure or passage?
How did the proposition impact California and its politics?
Final thought: This is fundamentally a paper on politics, not policy. I care more about how a
proposition passed or failed than how it changes policy.


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