For this assignment, you will submit an annotated bibliography on all the resour


For this assignment, you will submit an annotated bibliography on all the resour

For this assignment, you will submit an annotated bibliography on all the resources you have compiled. Please note that the same citation rules applied to other documents (such as proper paraphrasing and quotation marks where necessary) also apply to annotated bibliographies. Cutting and pasting from the abstract or the body of an article is unacceptable. Each annotation should include the following:
An APA formatted reference
A summary of the purpose, methods, and findings of the article. Make sure that you are differentiating between information presented as background/introduction to the article and the actual findings from the article.
A critique of the article
Critique methodology
Describe ways the focus is or is not systemic and culturally sensitive
Discuss briefly how the article relates to attached topic(table doc) and a specific section of your literature review. For example, specify if the article will assist you with your theoretical framework or a specific concept within your topic.
Each annotation should be single-spaced and kept as brief as possible. Your professor will spot-check several of your annotations for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Overall Feedback
Overall, you did well with completing the table for this week, and I now have a better sense of some aspects of your topic. One thing you want to start working on, and this is an important process of your literature review work, is starting to synthesize these findings. For example, instead of listing a separate reference for each “What we know” and “What we don’t know” section, consider where there might be some overlap. Did any of these studies find similar things? Did any of them identify similar gaps? Can you find ways to connect some of these findings and/or gaps across different studies? An important component of a successful literature review is making sure that it doesn’t turn into just an annotated bibliography (ie, where each paragraph is just a discussion of a separate article), but instead you are finding ways to connect (synthesize) the different research findings and also be able to critique some of them (whether it comes to their findings, their methods, or something else). You will get to work on these specific components as you continue in the course, but this is important to start thinking about now! The ASC (and the dissertation center) has some specific resources and tools to help with the literature review and synthesis/analysis, so I strongly encourage you to get familiar with those.
Also, pay attention to your references page. You had a few places where you missed important information.
The dissertations you located are not properly cited in APA 7 (you should be using brackets instead of parentheses, and also you need to indicate which database you retrieved the dissertation from as well as a URL, if applicable).
All of your peer-reviewed journal articles need to include their doi information at the end
The book chapter (Sandage et al., 2019) needs to include the editor information (see the examples under “Chapter in an edited book” section):
Your references need to be “left aligned” (currently they are “justified” – this is an easy fix within MS Word). You can tell this is the case as each reference goes to the far right side of the paper, until hitting the right margin, and thus this usually creates extra spaces that should not be there (see the Rokach & Chan reference as a clear example of those extra spaces that should not be there).


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