For this 2– 3 page paper you are being asked to write an essay that demonstrates


For this 2– 3 page paper you are being asked to write an essay that demonstrates

For this 2– 3 page paper you are being asked to write an essay that demonstrates an understanding of the topic you have chosen and the ability to construct a coherent argument or pursue a viable research question based off relevant sources. You are invited to choose a topic in religion to research and engage in academic discussion. It is up to students’ discretion to decide what topic to engage in for the midterm paper. Studentswill be accessed on their capacity to identify and pursue a viable topic of academic studyin the field of religion. As you decide your topic, take the scope of our syllabus content and the midterm criteria into consideration.
You are requiredto useat least 3 academic sources (journal articles, essays, chapter in edited volume, academic books)that we have not read for class. Proper citation is required along with a “Works Cited” page (not included in the final page count). You will be assessed based on your capacity to understand and engage atopic in the study of Religions of the World, utilize relevant sources, as well as offer informed commentary/analysis/interpretation on your chosen topic. In this regard, for the successful completion of this assignment your essayshould:
• Articulate, substantiate, and/or defend a clear research question and/or thesis. • Briefly describe and define the nature of the chosen topic of engagement. • Use relevant sources to make significant contributions to the progression of your academic discussion. Depending on the topic you select, you may need to read ahead in our textbook to get an idea of what will inform the future of our class discussions on remaining course content. • For this assignment, cultural sources (newspaper articles, magazines, social media, organization websites, etc.) can be used academically. However, it must be clear that the cultural source is not only a relevant and reliable informant regarding the topic you have chosen, but also makes a significant contribution to your academic argument. Please note, cultural sources are not a substitute for academic sources. • Demonstrate the capacity to understand the topic and engage in thoughtful/insightful discussion. • Demonstrate an awareness of existing academic discourse on the topic.
This paper is designed to help you develop your critical thinking and research skills. As such, you will also be assessed based on how well you demonstrate competency in those skills. In addition to the above, your paper will be assessed based upon its structure. That is, you will be assessed on content, syntax, grammar, style, clarity, and coherence.
● Please make use of accurate and complete citation (MLA or APA style of citation)
Written Assignment Rubric (Research Paper)
Midterm Rubric
Point Value
Earned Points
Mechanics Well written, clear organization, uses standard English grammar, contains minor, if any, spelling errors
Well-written: The paper makes use of proper grammar and syntax.
Well-organized: The arrangement of information in paragraphs allows the reader to easily follow the argument. The argument progression makes use of informative/elaborative transitions to give the paper a flow and cohesion
Inadequate due to lack of organization, grammar, awkward syntax, and/or major spelling errors
Evidence of Reading and Critical Thinking Critical thinking includes application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Arguments are clear and show depth of insight into theoretical issues, originality of treatment, and relevance. May include unusual insights. Arguments are well supported.
Demonstrates attentive reading and critical thinking as well as the ability to apply concepts. Makes use of relevant sources
Demonstrates some reading and critical thinking and application of concepts. Makes use of adequate sources
Shows minor application of concepts. Poorly substantiated
Development of Ideas
Well-developed thoughts, ideas, and details, which shows evidence of reflection, new ideas, and grasp of concepts.
Well-developed; shows evidence of reflection and/or metacognition; new ideas introduced and reflects a good grasp of concepts presented.
Shows some evidence of reflection, but not well-developed; few new ideas introduced but reflects a grasp of concepts presented.
Not much thought or detail; shows little evidence of reflection or grasp of concepts; no new ideas introduced.
Academic language, tone, and style
Communication of thought
Demonstration of rhetorical refinement
The paper is academically refined in form, content, and rhetoric. The paper demonstrates engaging communication that is academically effective.
The paper’s form, content, and rhetoric demonstrate academic competence. The paper shows awareness and application of professional communication.
The paper fails to communicate effectively and demonstrates deficiencies in professional communication skills.
Timeliness Submitting by stated due date
Submitted by deadline
Submitted no more than 24 hours after deadline
Submitted 7 days after deadline or not submitted


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