Click here to use the pre-made template. Instructions: Read Chapter 7 in your te


Click here to use the pre-made template.
Read Chapter 7 in your te

Click here to use the pre-made template.
Read Chapter 7 in your textbook.
Read the article “Cultural Stereotypes.”
Watch the videos “Mask of Masculinity” and “Relationship Reboot.”

Keep in mind when creating your “Family Update,” all of the information you present must be based on what you have learned for the week. In other words, this is not an opinion update, but rather a project that demonstrates integration of what you learned related to gender roles and how this information increased your knowledge and understanding of your own family’s gender roles (historically and at present). This is meant to be a creative assignment, but at the same time, the family update needs to be based on evidence.
Create a Family Gender Role History and Gender Role Changes (these can be ways your family’s gender roles have changed and/or how you want these to change after reviewing this week’s assigned course materials).
You will use the “Family Update” Template in MS Word. Add pictures or other visual representations of the gender roles in your family (either the family you grew up in -or, if you are married- you may also use your current immediate family).
Follow the template and write about the differing gender roles, demonstrating how these gender roles have changed over time. For example, you may include pictures and then written information related to both parents and grandparents and then yourself, spouse, significant other, and/or children. In other words, it is up to you what you include. The idea, however, is to make sure that you demonstrate how gender roles have changed between either, a) the generations or b) over time with a particular family member(s).
You will also want to include a section that discusses how you want your family to grow/change in regards to gender roles (based on what you have learned for the week). Give real world suggestions of what each family member can do, or what the family as a whole can do to grow in their gender role or “reboot.”
You may change the format and layout of the template, but you must include visual representations of some kind in your family update (picture templates can be deleted, charts added in their place or other graphics; anything you choose that visually represents the gender roles and changes in your family).


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