Chapter 3 in our book outlines the theories and thinking around ethics in busine


Chapter 3 in our book outlines the theories and thinking around ethics in busine

Chapter 3 in our book outlines the theories and thinking around ethics in business. We will merge those ideas (or contrast them) with one of the most famous statements about corporate profit maximization in American cinema.

Text book:
In the iconic 80’s film, Wall Street (Starring Michael Douglas, Charlie & Martin Sheen, and Daryl Hannah), the character Gordon Gecko (this is pre-Geico Gecko BTW), states: “Greed is Good”….. Here is famous speech spawning this mantra:
Your task, using Chapter 3 of the book, write a short essay using at least 5 of the bold terms in the chapter to counter Gordon’s Gecko’s thesis “greed is good” speech. Consider how a broader perspective could also be beneficial to business (i.e., looking beyond profit maximization/greed). Please also put the terms you use in bold or ALL CAPS for easy counting. Be sure your essay is unique and does not mirror any others in the class. (3 pts)


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