BSAD 150 Extra Credit Assignment: Analyzing the JUUL Documentary Miniseries thro


BSAD 150 Extra Credit Assignment: Analyzing the JUUL Documentary Miniseries thro

BSAD 150 Extra Credit Assignment: Analyzing the JUUL Documentary Miniseries through Business Fundamentals Lens
Objective: This extra credit assignment is designed to encourage students to apply their understanding of business fundamentals to a real-world context. By watching the JUUL documentary, students will explore and discuss how various business topics covered in the business fundamentals course are reflected in the documentary. This assignment aims to enhance critical thinking and analytical skills while connecting theoretical concepts to practical examples.
BIG VAPE: The Rise anf Fall of Juul
Watch the JUUL Documentary:Title: BIG VAPE
Film accessible on Netflix
Identify Key Business Topics:After watching the documentary, identify and list key business topics and concepts that are prominently featured or implied. Consider areas such as marketing, ethics, regulatory challenges, market competition, financial decision-making, and corporate social responsibility.
Analyze Connections to Business Fundamentals:For each identified business topic, provide a detailed analysis of how the documentary illustrates or challenges concepts covered in the business fundamentals course. Discuss specific scenes, examples, or interviews that highlight these connections.
Draw on Course Material:Reference specific theories, frameworks, or case studies covered in the business fundamentals course to support your analysis. Explain how the documentary aligns with or deviates from these theoretical foundations.
Discuss Implications and Lessons Learned:Reflect on the implications of the business decisions and strategies portrayed in the documentary. Discuss any ethical dilemmas, financial consequences, or long-term effects. Relate these to the lessons learned in the business fundamentals course.
Provide Recommendations:Based on your analysis, offer recommendations or alternative strategies that the businesses in the documentary could have considered. Support your recommendations with business fundamentals principles.
Formatting and Submission:The assignment should be a well-organized essay with clear headings and subheadings.
Use APA style for referencing course materials and any external sources consulted.
The essay should be 5 pages in length (excluding cover page & references).
Grading Criteria:
Content (15pts):Identification of key business topics from the documentary.
In-depth analysis of connections to business fundamentals.
Clear and relevant use of course material to support arguments.
Critical Thinking (15pts):Thoughtful reflection on the implications of business decisions.
Creative and well-supported recommendations.
Organization and Structure (15pts):Clear introduction and conclusion.
Logical flow of ideas with appropriate headings.
Writing Style and Clarity (15pts):Well-written with minimal grammatical errors.
Clear and concise expression of ideas.
Note: This assignment is worth 60 points of extra credit. Successful completion requires a thoughtful and well-supported analysis that demonstrates a strong connection between the business fundamentals course content and the real-world examples presented in the JUUL documentary. If you do not have a Netflix account, consider watching the film with another student. If this is not an option for you, please contact Professor Thomas for assistance.


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