Book Chapter Report Students will read a chapter from the graphic novel: “This


Book Chapter Report
Students will read a chapter from the graphic novel: “This

Book Chapter Report
Students will read a chapter from the graphic novel: “This Place: 150 Years Retold” (see booklist in syllabus). Students will write a short 800-1000 word report on one selected chapter its relevance to the course.
No research required beyond the graphic novel. This is a personal but also academic response. The goal of this assignment is for students to exercise their ability to constructively respond. It is important to be able to reflect in writing about how the book has impacted your understanding of a topic in a visually graphic/artistic manner, ie: medium and story. This is your opportunity to use your own voice, please write in the first person.
To complete this report correctly, you must focus on an aesthetic or theme within the chapter for example:
Time of day
Colonial aspects
*If you choose something beyond this list- you must gain instructor approval.
This assignment assumes that you have read and thought hard about the author and illustrator’s work (each chapter has a different author and illustrator). You should question whether or not the author did a good job of balancing information and analysis and consider what types of examples the author used to support their story with art/graphics/asethetics. Then, weigh in by explaining how the chapter impacted your knowledge of the topics covered and theme of the book.
If you cite a passage, paraphrase the author (which you will) you MUST CITE and use the specific page number. For this assignment you can use bracket in text citations with simply the page number since you will not be citing any other material. When referring to the author, always use their last name only.
REMEMBER- you are not being asked to summarize what you have read, instead you are being asked to engage with the book/chapter, respond to what you found compelling, helpful, interesting, etc. Remember this is about artistic representation as much as it is about history/learning. If your summary outweighs your response this will greatly affect your grade.
Assignment Formatting:
– 12 point Times New Roman font
– double spaced
– margins are to be normal- not wide or thin
– title page as per CMOS with the full citation of the book in the centre of the title page.
– images you will need to include at least two images that you found impactful. Follow CMOS for images and captions. Make sure to address the image in your writing.
– page number your pages beginning with your first page of text, not your title page.


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