After having viewed the performance video, address one of the following topics,


After having viewed the performance video, address one of the following topics,

After having viewed the performance video, address one of the following topics, making use of academic sources where appropriate (for example, several types of theatre theory are implicit in the suggested focus of the topic, and demonstrating familiarity with the major sources treating that topic is a necessity for a distinction; likewise, an original approach is highly recommended).
Note that these questions are there to guide your response, and you are welcome to expand or limit your focus as you believe appropriate.
1. What are the particular choices made by the director in terms of technical elements (lighting, costuming, sound, set, staging) which are most significant in this production? What types of meaning do these choices lend the original text, and do they enhance or detract from it?
2. How substantially has the production you viewed changed from the source text? Would you consider it a full or partial adaptation, and why? For what reasons has the adaptation been made, and what effect does this work have on the original?
3. In what places has the audience reacted most significantly, and what was the nature of their reactions? What elements in either the source text or the production caused the response, and why?
4. How do the historical periods and theatrical styles of the original text, the working text, and the live production interact? Are the choices being made effective? In what ways might you choose to produce this text differently?


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