Overview: We have been reading Caitlin Doughty’s From Here to Eternity alongside


We have been reading Caitlin Doughty’s From Here to Eternity alongside Joy Harjo’s An American Sunrise as a way to have discussions about power and privilege, culture and community, and access and assimilation. Both authors are absolutely waging an argument- we can use (and have been using!) rhetorical analysis as a way to examine these arguments. This essay is asking you to focus specifically on Doughty, but you are permitted to use Harjo to help support, if it makes sense to do so.

The assigned question:
From the chapter, “Japan,” by Caitlin Doughty’s From Here to Eternity. You will complete a rhetorical analysis of that chapter, explaining the argument that Doughty makes and how she supports in in the text. Keep in mind that a rhetorical analysis is not dependent on your agreement or disagreement with the author.
Word count minimum: 1000 words
MLA format to include in-text citations and a Works Cited page
12-point font, double-spaced, one-inch margins
You will use the Classical Model of organization as discussed in class.
Specific, pointed, and cited use of Doughty’s From Here to Eternity.
Do your own work. This essay does not require external research; confine your essay to our seminar discussions and Doughty’s From Here to Eternity.
Categories for Rhetorical Analysis:



Main argument/thesis:


Inartistic proof:

Artistic proofs: pathos, ethos, logos

Language, tone, and semantics:


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