For this assignment, you are to create an infographic about ability OR aging


For this assignment, you are to create an infographic about ability OR aging in sports and record yourself presenting it.
You will have to do a little research for this assignment!
You will submit two components for this assignment:
Part 1: Create and submit your infographic
Part 2: Record yourself resenting your infographic and submit your recording.
Develop a nuanced understanding of the relationship between aging and sports.
Critically engage with various course concepts related to ability and aging.
Understand how sports intersect with other social categories, identities, or inequalities.
Flex a creative muscle.
Practice presentation skills.
Part 1: What’s an Infographic?
Infographics are documents that blend information, analysis, persuasive writing, and a creative, engaging graphic. (See some examples below.)
Find a Sport
Consider a sport individuals or athletes play as they age. AND/OR
Consider a sport individuals or athletes play with disabilities or as abilities change.
The following questions should guide and inform your infographic sport:
Who plays the sport as older adults?
Who plays the sports a disabled or differently abled person?
Are there specific demographics characteristics among those who play? Do these changes as their abilities change (perhaps with age)?
What are the financial costs for this sport? To participate? To organize? How is it paid for?
What do participants learn or get out of their participation?
What are the positive and negative outcomes for participation in this sport (i.e., behavioral changes, injuries, work, school)? For younger participations, what are some outcomes as adults (i.e., Shown to do better at work? Graduate high school or college at better or worse rates, no outcomes at all)?
Provide at least three (3) references. One should be a research article. One can be our book. One can be a sport organization or website.
If you can’t fit it your references section on your infographic, provide it in a separate document.
CanvaLinks to an external site.
Easel.lyLinks to an external site.
Infogr.amLinks to an external site.
PiktochartLinks to an external site.
Visual.lyLinks to an external site.
Submission Guidelines
On the due date, you should submit the assignment following these guidelines:
Upload as a JPG, PNG, or PDF (Google files are not acceptable)
This assignment will be graded on spelling and grammar, formatting, organization, and overall quality
Infographic Examples
Here is a well-executed example of an infographic: Enough graphics to grab attention with enough text to be informative and interesting.


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