Course is Culture and Sport Psychology -The cultural to be written about is Isl


Course is Culture and Sport Psychology
-The cultural to be written about is Islam.
-I am a woman in who participates in bodybuilding and am Mexican American
Using a case study approach related to a culture with which you are UNFAMILIAR (not a different sport – an actual different CULTURE), consider three aspects of that culture that you personally would find to be challenging or most difficult to deal with if you suddenly found yourself immersed in that culture as a coach. This paper is designed to push you out of your comfort zone – this means getting uncomfortable. Your job is to challenge your own biases, take an objective stance, and work to understand the culture from an “in-group” perspective. To deepen your understanding of the challenges, you must do the following: interview an individual or group of individuals from a different cultural group than your own, preferably community members and not other students, for at least 60 minutes. You must incorporate the cultural differences you observe or discover from your interview(s) into your paper and how these differences might affect your interactions with this group in the role you’ve chosen. To receive full points on this assignment, your work must include not only comments about the “other” culture, but also a level of awareness of your own enculturation.
In developing the background support for your paper, you must discuss and reference at least five scholarly articles (beyond your textbooks). You may use any of the references at the end of the Woods text in writing your paper. I also recommend examining the recommended reading (located in Doc Sharing), Cultural Sport Psychology, as it discusses the practice of sport psychology in diverse cultural environments.
As you do research for your paper you will be reading books, doing web research, and so on in order to appropriate analyze the information you’re learning. Anytime that you are including material in your report that you gleaned from another sources, you MUST cite those sources in the text of your paper and include the full citation in your references.
Your paper must be 5-7 double-spaced pages and follow the APA formatting.


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