1.Brief: -Design a small interior space (a reading room, ) that showcases tecton


-Design a small interior space (a reading room, ) that showcases tectonic principles. The goal is to design a space where the construction is visible, and the materials are used honestly and creatively.
2.Focus Areas:
-Material Selection: Choose two or three primary materials (e.g., steel, wood, concrete, glass) and use them in ways that celebrate their natural qualities.
-Visible Structure: Design the space so that the structural elements (e.g., beams, supports) are visible and become part of the aesthetic.
-Joints and Connections: Pay special attention to how materials meet. Use exposed joints or connections as part of the design language.
-Sketch or Diagram: Students should sketch the layout and detail the material choices and how the structure is expressed.
-Material Board: Prepare a small material board that shows the chosen materials, their textures, and how they interact within the space.
5- drawing show elevation and measurement
4 .Presentation: Each student will present their design to the class, explaining their material choices, the structural elements they highlighted, and how their design embodies tectonic principles.


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