edit and check for plagerism. make sure citations are correct. make the paper so


edit and check for plagerism. make sure citations are correct. make the paper sound more human and not AI generated. Make sure the thesis statment and main arguments I identified are correct and match up to the artiles provided. make sure the points I made match up correctly with the articles provided. Make sure the writing is correct and the other points are made. make sure I followed the guidline correclty. Instructions:
Students will be given two academic papers on a topic related to European History before the 19th century. They will be asked to prepare a 4-5-page essay comparing the two assigned articles. The essay should do the following:
1. Clearly identify and summarize the respective arguments of each author;
2. Assess how and why the authors differ in their interpretation/approach to the subject matter;
3. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the two arguments/approaches; and,
4. Conclude by offering which argument you think is the strongest, most plausible, or most convincing.
Students may use their lectures to provide context for this assignment and may comment on if and how the articles build on the lecture’s treatment of the topic or time period.
Note: all material directly or indirectly used from the articles and/or lectures must be properly referenced.
Article to use for your comparative essay
the articles are leah price and nacy baker
overall make sure The paper cannot get accused of cheating,plagerism or AI thank you


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